Pal.js stands for I am your friend!
. It is a set of tools to help you bootstrap your next NodeJS, Prisma, GraphQL, React project. The library currently contains the following tools and examples:
- An extension to tackle down N+1 issues with better query construction using Prisma query engine.Prisma-delete
- An extension on documenting prisma.schema on dealing with cascade deletes.Generator Class
- Auto CRUD generations based on your prisma schema for SDL, Graphql-modules, and NexusPrisma-Table
- Front end components that interacts with pal.js auto generated mutation and queries.
- A full stack admin framework using nexus and next.js.full-stack-gatsbyjs
- A full stack admin framework using nexus and gatsby.apollo-nexus-schema
- A server side app that uses apollo-sever and nexus with pal.js auto generations.apollo-sdl-first
- A server side app that uses sdl-first approach and apollo server with pal.js auto generations.graphql-modules
- A server side app that uses apollo server and graphql-modules toolsets with pal.js auto generations.
To install @paljs/cli
on your machine, make sure to have the following tools installed:
- Git - https://git-scm.com
- Node.js - https://nodejs.org Please note the version should be >=12
- Yarn - https://classic.yarnpkg.com/en/docs/install Node.js package manager, comes with Node.js.
- Prisma - CLI Modern Database Access for TypeScript & Node.js
Install PalJS CLI
To install PalJS CLI globally on your machine, please run the commands below.
yarn global add @paljs/cli
npm install -g @paljs/cli
// or use npx to create new project direct
npx @paljs/cli create
Create a new
> npx @paljs/cli create
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✔ Please select your start example · full-stack-nextjs❯ full-stack-nextjs
✔ Please select your start framework · Tailwind CSS + PrismaAdmin UI Material UI
Material UI + PrismaAdmin UI
Tailwind CSS
❯ Tailwind CSS + PrismaAdmin UI
✔ Use multi schema template … ❯ no
✔ please enter your project name · great-project✔ please enter your project description · new NodeJs Prisma GraphQL TypeScript project✔ please enter your project author · Ahmed Elywa✔ please enter your project repository · https://github.com/paljs/prisma-tools✔ Do you need to use Git … ❯ yes
✔ please select your package manager · yarn❯ yarn
✔ Skip package installation · no❯ yes
Will get 7 questions to help cli create what you want.
Look to our examples contains here
Get your project up
1 Go inside your project dir
cd hello
Open README.md
file to see next steps.
To build your schema.prisma
file look here
Have questions?
Didn't find something here? Look through the issues or simply drop us a line at [email protected].